• Management Philosophy & Basic Sustainability Policy

Management Philosophy & Basic Sustainability Policy

Management Philosophy

Management Philosophy

Basic Sustainability Policy

Daishi Hokuetsu Financial Group’s Basic Sustainability Policy

At the Daishi Hokuetsu Financial Group, we shall, based on our Management Philosophy, contribute to the realization of sustainable regional by proactively and conscientiously addressing environmental and social issues surrounding regional society from a medium- to long-term perspective.

1.Addressing regional Issues

  • We will pursue sustainable growth in regional society and enhance the corporate value of the Daishi Hokuetsu Financial Group by maximizing our financial and information service functions. We will do so with the Group's comprehensive capabilities in terms of both risk management and opportunity creation in order to resolve environmental and other issues facing regional society.

2.Addressing Environmental Issues

  • Aiming at initiatives conducive to the mitigation of environmental risks such as climate change, we will actively support customers who are addressing environmental issues such as the realization of a decarbonizes society and the conservation of biodiversity. We will also work to reduce the environmental impact caused by the corporate activities of the Daishi Hokuetsu Financial Group.

3.Establishing Trust with Society

  • We will respect human rights in all our corporate activities.
  • We will comply with laws and regulations and social norms, faithfully execute fair and appropriate transactions with our customers, and establish an unwavering relationship of trust with our stakeholders through appropriate information disclosure and dialogue
  • We will also contribute to raising awareness of sustainability in regional society by emphasizing dialogue and an approach that reaches out to regional society.

4.Developing Talented Personnel and Improving Workplace Environment

  • As a member of the regional society, we will engage in human resource development and awareness-raising activities to ensure that our officers and employees have a sense of ownership and act proactively on various sustainability issues.
  • We will respect the values of each and every employee and create a work environment in which diverse human resources can play an active and healthy role with fair and appropriate treatment.

(As of December 10, 2021)